Baneposting Wikia
Bane emblem

Welcome to the Wiki

Welcome, brothers, to the Encyclopædia Masketta. The purpose of this wiki is to collect and preserve information, theories and original content about Bravo Nolan's magnum opus, the Plane Scene.

All initiated content is welcome in this wiki. In return, we ask you for only two things:

1) Don't be a hothead.

2) All theories are to be held equally valid.

Rule number 1 should be plain and indisputable. Regarding rule 2, we ask that users do not overwrite the contributions and ideas of others. Since Bravo Nolan's dialogue is multi-layered and complex, several different interpretations can be found for even the briefest bits of dialogue. In this wiki, we will embrace them all.

Help The Fire Rise!

Go ahead and contribute by adding a page for your favourite Bane-related creative project or your newest and wildest theory! Or, if you're feeling lazy, just list something you would like to learn more about in the Requested Articles. A friendly Banescholar will doubtless expand upon your topic posthaste!

Featured Article

Bank manager poster

The Bank Scene is the prequel to the Plane Scene. Although the two share some common themes, the latter greatly expanded on them. As such, most of the discussion of the Bank Scene has been about the relationship between the two.

Featured OC

CIA's Triumphant Return is an alternate ending to the Post-Credit Scenes, where CIA demonstrates exactly why it's prudent to shoot men before throwing them out of airplanes.

Cias triumphant return
